Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of bakery and confectionery products ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of bakery and confectionery across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
For the past 5 years, we've been manufacturers of bread, buns, rusks, and cookies, and we're currently looking for a chance to operate as a wholesaler of bakery and confectionery items. We have a warehouse, a crew of four individu
Since Feb-2021, we have been working as a distributor of fresh food product such s bread, buns etc. in Nilambur, Kerala. We have 2 sales staff and a serving more than 120 retail stores. We have an existing shop and soon will rent
Being in distribution business for last 4 years, presently involved as lubricant super distributor. Looking for distributorship of food products, specially bread in Bangalore and adjoining areas. Can invest 2 - 5 lakhs. Interested
From the last 3 years, we are the dealing in confectionery items like bread, jam, butter, etc. Our company's annual turnover is 15 lacs. In order to maintain our profits, we would like to take Distributorship of Confectionery
Hi there! I am professional and looking to get into business line. I am looking to take Distributorship of Snacks like biscuits, bread etc. I am ready to arrange resources as per the requirement for my business and my initial inve